Tune in tomorrow from 2-3pm EST for our PracticalESG.com webcast – “Shareholder Engagement: Fallout From the ‘ESG’ Tsunami” – featuring RLB Governance’s Rhonda Brauer, Close Consulting Group’s Tamara Close, Freshfields’ Pamela Marcogliese and Georgeson’s Hannah Orowitz. Shareholders have become more vocal than ever about ESG issues. The question now is, what should companies be thinking about before & after they commit to action? These experienced practitioners will discuss the “next steps.” Directors elections may be at risk if companies fail to show responsiveness, so it’s important to get this right!
Among other topics, this program will cover:
- Trends in ESG shareholder proposals and voting patterns
- How SLB 14L and early votes are affecting proposal negotiations
- How ESG is affecting director support
- Preparing for engagements with proponents and other shareholders
- What to do if a proposal receives significant support
- Communications with other stakeholders
- Integrated ESG strategy vs. responsiveness to specific requests
- Being proactive: how to decide which ESG issues to prioritize
Members of PracticalESG.com are able to attend this critical webcast – and access the transcript afterwards – at no charge. If you’re not yet a member, subscribe now by emailing sales@ccrcorp.com or calling us at 800.737.1271. If you sign up for a membership today, you can also receive 25% off the regular pricing. Don’t delay – this introductory promotion ends next week.