Tune in tomorrow from 2-3pm EST for our inaugural PracticalESG.com webcast – “Supply Chains: Tracking ESG Issues” – featuring our panel of experienced practitioners from consulting, law, auditing and information technology:
- Pepijn van Haren, Director, Wallbrook
- JT Ho, Partner, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
- Puvan Selvanathan, CEO, BlueNumber
- Catherine Tyson, Managing Consultant, Energy, Sustainability and Infrastructure, Guidehouse
Supply chains are in the spotlight because of weaknesses that the pandemic has brought to light, but they also present major ESG risks to many companies. Just a few weeks ago, Liz blogged that shareholders approved a “Scope 3” proposal about supply chain carbon emissions at a major retailer, and yesterday I blogged that aspirational commitments to avoid human rights violations in the supply chain are turning into lawsuits. Lurking liabilities can also relate to chemical content of products supplied and governmental sanctions of counter-parties. Knowing the entities in your supply chain beyond Tier 1 suppliers is a critical first step, but then what?
Among other topics, this program will cover:
- Important ESG issues in supply chains
- How to identify suppliers beyond Tier 1
- Data quality issues and validation approaches
- Pros & cons of supplier audits
- Legal matters related to ESG topics and business relationships impacting data collection
- Worker data ownership, privacy and management in supply chain
Members of PracticalESG.com are able to attend this critical webcast – and access the transcript afterwards – at no charge. If you’re not yet a member, subscribe now by emailing sales@ccrcorp.com or calling us at 800.737.1271. If you sign up for a membership today, you can also receive 25% off the regular pricing – don’t delay!