Membership to PracticalESG provides exclusive benefits and immediately useful tools that are unavailable to others. Here are the most recent.
Climate Issues
The playback and transcript for the recent webcast “Preparing for the SEC’s New Climate Disclosure Proposal” has been posted.
A companion checklist will also available in the coming days with six practical tips that you can use immediately to get ahead of potential future SEC-mandated climate disclosures. Use this checklist to plan your next steps internally, determine what outside consultants you’ll need, and prioritize the important information in your comment letter to the SEC before the May 20th comment deadline.
A new podcast will be available later this week discussing an exciting new B2B marketplace, standard and registry focused solely on carbon removals. We explore how this is different from other forms of carbon/emissions trading and why it might change everything about emissions trading for companies.
Board Competence
A guidebook on increasing Board ESG Competence has also been posted. Another on Audit Committees and ESG will be available soon.
Upcoming Webcast
On May 10 from 2-3pm Eastern, join us for the webcast “Putting the ‘G’ First: Oversight of ‘E’ & ‘S’ in ESG” – a hard-hitting conversation that starts at the very heart of E&S governance – defining E&S as the foundation for governance, and separating E&S disclosure/reporting from programs/activities in order create appropriate controls and oversight.