Check out PracticalESG’s most recent podcast, a discussion on the emerging DEI focus in accounting with Denise Froemming, CalCPA’s newest president and CEO. Denise brings more than 20 years of experience to CalCPA in growing, leading, and advising organizations through restructurings, market expansions and, organizational transformations. She’s recently been focused on transforming the industry by attracting and retaining a more diverse workforce to CalCPA.
In this podcast, we discuss the DEI work that CalCPA is currently focused on. We explore the recent report on Diversifying Global Accounting Talent and the takeaways to transform the accounting field into one that attracts and retains diverse talent. Among other topics, we also discuss the CPA Evolution project, an endeavor to positively impact the value that CPAs bring to the market.
Join us in this engaging discussion as we cover the following:
- The main objectives, projects, and goals that CalCPA has embarked on since Denise joined and some of the DEI issues showing up in the CPA world.
- The major takeaways from the report on Diversifying Global Accounting Talent, a collaborative effort by CalCPA, the International Federation of Accountants, and the Institute of Management Accountants.
- The importance of looking at data for accountability.
- The CPA’s obligation to protect the public interest and an ethical imperative to maintain honesty and integrity, committing to fair decisions free from bias, and how the lack of diversity in accounting professions jeopardizes this obligation.
- The CPA Evolution project, a forthcoming project for the development of sustainability standards and other trends that positively impact the value that CPAs bring to the market. We discussed the origins of the project, the stage the project is at today, and the next steps for the project.