If you think that SEC (or other nations’) upcoming regulations on GHG disclosures are the only thing that might require your company to calculate and report on GHG emissions, think again. Amazon let it be known in its recently-released 2022 sustainability report that:
“Beginning in 2024, we’re updating our Supply Chain Standards to require suppliers to share their carbon emissions data with us and set carbon goals. We’ll use our scale, investment, and innovation to provide tools and resources to help them reach their goals – whether that’s transitioning to renewable energy or accessing more sustainable materials.”
We’ve cautioned before about how much work is needed to develop GHG emissions estimates. Amazon suppliers who have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for SEC’s final release may find themselves in a difficult position in having to come up to speed more quickly than expected. Notice that Amazon will also require suppliers to “set carbon goals” as well – meaning that those suppliers should give thoughtful consideration to carbon reduction plans, methods, milestones and the associated risks. I expect Amazon will provide some type of phase-in, prioritization or transition period to allow for differences in status/capabilities, and the company did state that they will “provide tools and resources to help” – but even so, it’s a pretty heavy lift as there are only 4.5 months left in 2023. I know I’m a broken record here, but if this initiative impacts you/your company and you haven’t already started the process, you should get going now.
Photo credit: Sundry Photography – stock.adobe.com