A new podcast is now available for members – An Overview of Assurance in ESG and Climate Disclosures. As regulations grow that call for ESG and climate reporting, so too does the importance of trust and data quality reflected in those reports. Many new regulations require assurance of those disclosures. Rich Goode of PwC and I talk about what companies need to know about ESG report assurance. We discuss:
- Different kind of assurances: Verification vs. assurance, ISO vs. AICPA, limited vs. reasonable
- Overview of assurance required by various rules
- What’s happening on the ground today
- Fundamental difference between voluntary and mandatory reporting
- Controllers and general counsel getting more involved in ESG disclosures
- Assurance readiness
- Transposition process in EU countries
- How best to prepare for the audit
PracticalESG.com members can click here to access the podcast. If you aren’t a member, sign up now and take advantage of our no-risk “100-Day Promise” – during the first 100 days as an activated member, you may cancel for any reason and receive a full refund.
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