is holding the second day of our three part no-cost virtual events on a range of ESG topics. Our session is scheduled for May 14, from 11:00am – 2:00pm Central Time, and will consist of three panels: EU: Developing Policies and Political Undercurrents, EU: Ensuring Compliance with New Legislation, and ESG Disclosure Assurance. Among the topics to be covered:
Panel 1: EU: Developing Policies and Political Undercurrents
- High-level overview of the ESG legislative scheme
- Upcoming shifts in the political makeup of the EU
- Political risk in the EU and globally
Panel 2: EU: Ensuring Compliance with New Legislation
- CSRD Reporting
- Supply chain directives including CS3D
- Greenwashing and advertising laws
Panel 3: ESG Disclosure Assurance
- Elements of the assurance agreement
- Laws/regulations requiring assurance
- How companies should prepare for ESG assurance
The event is fully virtual and there is no cost to attend. You may register here. And to learn more about the third event in our series, click here.
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