While we are on the subject of burnout and turnover… burnout and waning professional enthusiasm in ESG/sustainability is rampant these days. I have conversations with people in various roles about this at least biweekly. It feels like things are spiraling out of control and chaos reigns. Yet ESG/sustainability leaders, staff and advisors can take action to reduce stress and feel better. This Fast Company article about CEO self-imposed stress also applies to CSOs:
“Many cultures hold tightly to this image of a leader as strong, confident, and capable of fixing anything. This ideal isn’t just a societal expectation—it’s one that leaders impose on themselves. But striving to be a ‘Superman’ leader is a recipe for burnout, because it’s both unrealistic and unattainable…
Through my work with burned-out leaders, I’ve identified three internal taboos that often define this Superman style of leadership.
1. THE TABOO AGAINST NOT KNOWING. Superman rules dictate that leaders must always have the answers.
2. THE TABOO AGAINST LOSING CONTROL. The Superman mindset requires leaders to maintain tight control over their teams, their processes, and their outcomes… It creates an illusion that you’re responsible for everything, even if circumstances are beyond your control.
3. THE TABOO AGAINST VULNERABILITY. Superman leaders believe they need to appear fine at all times, they need to be confident, energized, and unshakable… Leaders who bottle up their struggles often miss out on the trust and connection that come from being open and authentic.”
It can be hard to let go, but ask yourself who really requires you to know everything about sustainability all the time? I bet the real answer is you are the only one who holds yourself to that standard. Is that really necessary? There is a network of resources, legal advisors, consultants, etc you can rely on for specific needs (hopefully, a PracticalESG membership is one of those) – take advantage of that and take some weight off your shoulders. You owe it to yourself.
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