An article from Ecolumix CEO Doug Parker provides food for thought as the new administration gets going here in the US. Fundamentally, companies may want to re-prioritize old fashioned environmental compliance management – pushed aside in favor of sustainability, climate and ESG in recent years. Doug cautions that after a temporary “pause as key second- and third-tier appointees, such as assistant attorneys general and EPA assistant administrators, take time to settle into their roles”, we will see a “stronger focus on traditional EHS metrics from regulators and the public in the months and years ahead, who increasingly expect high-quality, verifiable data.”
As federal deregulatory action gathers steam, “we are likely to see greater deference to states in areas where they have delegated authority, such as enforcement of the Clean Water and key portions of the Clean Air Act.”
This is a good time to review and reinvigorate your environmental compliance and auditing programs.
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