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A basis for research and practical guidance focusing on federal securities laws, compliance & corporate governance.


An educational service that provides practical guidance on legal issues involving public and private mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, private equity – and much more.


The “one stop” resource for information about responsible executive compensation practices & disclosure.

Widely recognized as the premier online research platform providing practical guidance on issues involving Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and all of its related rules.


Keeping you in-the-know on environmental, social and governance developments

Jun 23 2021 #climate, #environment, #esg, #human-rights, #supply-chain An Old Unpleasant Prediction Seems to Be Happening

Jun 22 2021 #climate, #compliance, #environment, #esg How Governments’ Inconsistent Carbon Reduction Goals Affect Your Corporate Planning

Jun 21 2021 #assurance, #climate, #compliance, #environment, #esg, #supply-chain Watch for the “Net Zero” Scam

Jun 18 2021 #diversity, #equity, #esg, #social Juneteenth: Ways Your Company Can Observe The “New” Federal Holiday

Jun 18 2021 #assurance, #compliance, #environment, #esg, #human-rights, #social, #supply-chain Pre-Weekend Update: Does 33 = 0?

Jun 17 2021 #climate, #environment, #esg, #investors, #supply-chain Carbon Divestment: What is Good for the Goose Doesn’t Work for Anyone Else

Jun 16 2021 #assurance, #climate, #compliance, #esg Big 4 Gearing Up for ESG Work

Jun 15 2021 #diversity, #equity, #esg, #social The Rise of Pronouns

Jun 14 2021 #assurance, #compliance, #esg, #investors Fraud Detection: How ESG & Anti-Corruption Can Work Together

Jun 11 2021 #diversity, #equity, #esg, #social 6 Ways You Can Promote Inclusion During Pride This Month and Beyond

Jun 10 2021 #climate, #compliance, #environment, #esg, #investors Sustainability-Linked Bonds…Without Sustainability Targets?

Jun 9 2021 #diversity, #equity, #esg, #human-rights, #social Introducing Ngozi Okeh!

Jun 8 2021 #esg, #investors, #social More on PBCs – Publicly Traded Corporation Converts to a Public Benefit Corporation

Jun 7 2021 #assurance, #compliance, #esg, #human-rights, #supply-chain Investors Begin Exploring Conflict Due Diligence

Jun 4 2021 #assurance, #compliance, #environment, #esg, #investors ESG Disclosure Rules: SEC Commissioner Roisman on “Costs & Burdens”

Jun 3 2021 #climate, #compliance, #diversity, #environment, #equity, #esg, #human-rights, #social Is ESG the New Frontier in Litigating Corporate Liability for Individual Behavior?

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