
Ngozi Okeh
Editor at CCRcorp

Emilie Aries
Founder & CEO of Bossed Up
Emilie Aries is a speaker, podcaster, author, and the Founder & CEO of Bossed Up, an award-winning leadership development and career services company committed to closing the gender leadership gap. Aries has worked with leaders at Fortune 500 companies to support retention, diversity and inclusion, and human resource initiatives, and has been featured in media outlets including the Washington Post, CNN Money, Buzzfeed, and more. Her book, Bossed Up, serves as a practical roadmap for women who want to set themselves up for sustainable, long-term career success and step up as the boss of their lives.
- What causes the gender gaps for men and women in leadership roles and what role does intersectionality play
- We unpack the concepts of the broken rung and the glass ceiling and understand what this looks like in the workplace
- We lay out what allyship looks like in the workplace and identify some impactful ways managers, leaders, and peers can support in closing the gender gap in leadership roles