Continuing the story (drama) about SBTi – an article on Yahoo!Finance discusses another letter from staff to the SBTi’s board of trustees and CEO that goes even further:
“‘As staff representing SBTi on a daily basis, we demand immediate action to mitigate the grave reputational damage caused by the actions of the Board,’ the letter said. Beyond the CEO’s resignation, the letter also called for board members who supported the policy shift on offsets to resign. It also asked for a withdrawal of the new policy…
The turnaround had earlier sparked anger among members of the SBTi’s technical advisory group, which was meant to have a say on such issues but which was left blindsided by the news.
‘None of us were informed. It just came out of the blue,’ said Stephan Singer, senior adviser at the nonprofit Climate Action Network, who said he had resigned over the issue.”
Now if you will excuse me, I have to go find some Dramamine to prepare for the next part of this roller coaster ride.
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Photo credit: Timon –