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A basis for research and practical guidance focusing on federal securities laws, compliance & corporate governance.


An educational service that provides practical guidance on legal issues involving public and private mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, private equity – and much more.


The “one stop” resource for information about responsible executive compensation practices & disclosure.

Widely recognized as the premier online research platform providing practical guidance on issues involving Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and all of its related rules.


Keeping you in-the-know on environmental, social and governance developments

May 3 2021 #compliance, #esg, #investors E&S Shareholder Proposals: ISS Will Generally Support Additional Disclosure

Apr 30 2021 #assurance, #climate, #environment, #esg PRI Increases ESG Data Validation Requirements

Apr 30 2021 #climate, #environment, #esg, #investors, #supply-chain Dilbert Invades Carbon Footprinting

Apr 29 2021 #diversity, #environment, #esg, #investors ESG Ratings: There’s an App For That

Apr 29 2021 #diversity, #equity, #esg, #human-rights, #investors, #social Gig-eroo, or How A Social Issue Hammered a Major IPO

Apr 28 2021 #climate, #compliance, #environment, #esg, #supply-chain Curious About Carbon Offsets? This is For You

Apr 27 2021 #assurance, #climate, #compliance, #environment, #esg, #guest-post, #investors SEC Focuses on ESG Investing

Apr 26 2021 #compliance, #esg, #investors ESG Theater – Who’s [on] First?

Apr 23 2021 #esg Welcome to Our New Subscribers!

Apr 23 2021 #esg We Ran Out of Trees, So We Got More!

Apr 23 2021 #assurance, #compliance, #esg, #supply-chain Important Considerations in ESG Data Collection and Reporting

Apr 21 2021 #esg It’s Here: “” – Sign Up Today!

Apr 21 2021 #climate, #compliance, #environment, #esg, #investors Theranos Redux? Why Governance Needs to Underpin E&S Commitments

Apr 21 2021 #assurance, #climate, #compliance, #environment, #esg Carbon Offsets: Widespread “Sustainability” Practice is Under Internal Review

Apr 21 2021 #climate, #environment, #esg Environmental Solutions & “The Law of Unintended Consequences”

Apr 21 2021 #assurance, #environment, #esg, #investors Materiality: Traditional, New, Double or Dynamic?

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